What a LIGHTyear!
In reflection of 2023, I am almost paralyzed with gratitude. But also busting at the seams with energy and excitement for what we’re building! What God is building. Y’all, we officially started our business! This time last year in January 2023, I was in the blistering cold of State College, PA. Attending Ice Cream School at Penn State University. Had I known then that I’d be sitting here publishing a blog [my first btw 🤭] reflecting on all we learned and lived last year, I think I would have perked up a bit more. I was terrified and felt incredibly inadequate to be in the room with some of those folks. If you listened to our first season of the Spoonfed Podcast, Episode 9 & 10ish, I spill all the details on who my fellow classmates were. But, Ice Cream school was a turning point.
It didn’t give us a “business in a box” like we anticipated, it didn’t teach me everything I need to know about how to start and scale an ice cream business but it did reassure me that I was in the right room. Has anyone ever felt that way? That, “this is where I belong feeling”, that “I knew I wore this sherbet orange wool trench coat for a reason”, nobody?K cool…. ANYWAY… Though it feels like we just “winged it” in the 2023 season, we now have a foundation to continue to build onto. In some ways our business doesn’t feel like an actual business because there are endless lists of to-dos that are shapeless and meandering.
But we are a real. Business. Do you need our EIN number? Got it. Do you need my business license? I got it. Moral here, is as I sit here *caution: incoming subtle flex* (and have to stop writing this to answer a call about booking our truck for a graduation party in April) *ending flex* I am flooded with excitement and a newfound focus. Last year, LIT ME UP in ways that I will definitely write about later. But until then, I am encouraged by this verse that washed over me today: “There is nothing better for a person to eat, drink and enjoy his work. I have seen that even this is from God’s hand.” Ecclesiastes 2:24 — and boy, ain’t that the truth y’all.